Monday, April 27, 2009

Virtual Route #6

Start date of this leg: 4.3.09
# of days traveled: 21
# of stationary days: 3
Miles traveled: 101.0
Hours on the road: 16
Calories burned: 4731
Miles 'til NYC: 1835.8

Overall Impresssions
I feel really good about how well I did on this leg of the journey. I've come 520.8 miles in just over 3 months - not too shabby! I'm especially proud that I only missed 3 days during the whole 24-day leg. Last week, I exercised 7 days in a row - a first since I started keeping track. Woohoo! I really thought I would have made it to Denver this time, but I guess I was farther away than I thought. Oh well. Maybe next time! I feel like I'm doing well but don't seem to be getting anywhere on the map.

In addition:
On Saturday I weighed myself and I've lost 80 lbs! I had decided not to do anything to celebrate this marker because I spent so much money on 70 and 75 lbs. However, this morning I put on my black slacks and drowned in them. I have to pull them up a little because I step on the hem when I walk. I'm thrilled with this sign of my weight loss but am also a little annoyed that I have to buy new pants. I'm not a huge shopper for clothes. Sigh. Really, though, I'm thrilled with how much weight I've lost - it's like a dream! Woohoo!


Cardine said...

Pedicure for 90?

Also, don't worry. Denver is pretty far away, actually. It's 580 miles, which is actually almost 30% of the total distance of your trip! Remember: West = long distances, East = shorter distances.

Mellissa said...

Good job on getting closer to Denver and on losing 80 pounds. I'm glad you're enjoying your virtual routes, they're such a great idea. Good luck buying pants. I DESPISE buying pants.

julie said...

Cardine, you were half right; $90 for haircut, highlights, and tip. :) Hmmm. I never thought about that before, but you're right, I bet I'll be zooming through cities once I get further east. Thanks!

Missy, thank you! Yes, I'm having fun with the virtual route. And, buying pants last night went fairly well. I bought 2 pairs of slacks and two pairs of knee-length denim shorts. They fit perfectly! Which means in a few months they'll hopefully be way too big, but I'm enjoying them while I can! Why do you despise buying pants?

Anonymous said...

Yea, baggy pants!!

Booklogged said...

I love how you are plotting your walking progress on the map. Congratulations on the weight loss. I can't wait to see you. You were always such a hottie, now you're going to set the world on fire!

Miranda said...

Julie: 90=pedicure. Yes? Yes. I am counting on it. If only I had something to celebrate besides scraggly toe nails. Gross.