Monday, March 23, 2009

Staying Motivated

I weigh myself every day.

I've read that I shouldn't weigh myself that often because weight fluctuates from day to day, but I do it anyway. I'm a rebel.

However, I've noticed that I get frustrated when my weight loss hits a plateau. It happened to me around 45 lbs. Nothing I did seemed to make any difference, my body refused to give up more than 45 lbs for almost 2 weeks. Right now I'm at 68 lbs lost and have been for a week. I keep telling myself it's ok; I lost almost 7 lbs in one week, so maybe my body is just adjusting to that weight loss before it loses any more. No matter what I say, I still feel frustrated. Quite frankly, seeing the numbers on the scale get smaller has been my major motivation for doing what I'm suppose to be doing.

Last night, in bed, trying to go to sleep because I had to wake up a couple hours earlier than normal but unable to because my brain wouldn't shut off, I decided that I need to weigh myself less and refocus on other motivations for staying with the changes I've made since having surgery. There are several. For example:

1. Looking better. Yesterday, I had Sunday dinner at my dad's house and saw my step-grandfather for the first time since having surgery. His reaction to how I look was priceless! He kept saying how lovely I look, how much slimmer my face is, how I "glow", etc. I've wondered recently if people just say I look thinner because they know I've lost over 60 lbs, but his reaction was definitely not an act - not that other people were acting - he could obviously see I looked different. It felt nice. More than nice.

2. Hiking. I went hiking with my mom, nephew, and niece Saturday and was amazed by how easily I walked along the path compared to last year or even the year before. A few times I even speed-walked while competing with my nephew and niece to be the "leader" and didn't even feel out-of-breath! On the return trip, my nephew wanted me to carry him because his feet hurt. I politely declined then started thinking about how he probably weighs roughly how much weight I've lost. I've been carrying around an 8-year old boy! Then I started to imagine how great I'll feel when I've lost another 60 lbs! Heavens, I'll probably feel like I'm floating when I've lost all my excess weight. It'll be great!

3. "New" Clothes. I don't do fitting rooms when I buy clothes. I either buy my clothes online or at Wal-Mart, and either way, I wait 'til in the comfort of my own home before I find out whether a garment fits me or not. Most times they do, but sometimes they don't. Most times I return the item when it doesn't fit, but sometimes I don't. I'm not sure why. Anyway, I have a stock of clothes that I've bought in my size throughout the years but that didn't fit so they've sat in my closet collecting dust. Now they fit! This weekend, I wore three shirts and a pair of capris that used to be too small but now fit perfectly. Woohoo! The capris were especially motivating because for the first time in ages, I felt like my waist and hips didn't stick out as much as they used to. I felt a little more...streamlined, for lack of a better word. In addition to knowing that I fit into these smaller clothes (though the same size I've worn for years), it made my pocketbook happy to know that items for which I've spent money are finally being put to good use.

4. Feeling better. I feel better than I have in years, probably since the last time I was at this weight, which was eight or nine years ago. Exercising, eating healthy, and accomplishing weight loss goals makes me feel good. I feel happier, more able to deal with problems, and I sleep better (usually). And, I'm seriously getting addicted to the feeling I get after riding my bike. My legs ache, my heart is pumping, sweat is sliding down my neck, back, and forehead, and I feel like I can fly. Nothing seems impossible when I step off my bike. It's a great feeling.

So, I'm hiding my scale when I get home and not getting on it for two weeks. Even as I typed that sentence, my mind shouted "NO!" but I'm going to do it anyway. Numbers on the scale are important, but so are all the other benefits of losing weight and getting healthy. And, I think those other benefits will help me stay motivated when things get tough and I feel like quitting.

Deep breath.

I'm going to miss my scale, though! *blinking away mock tears*


Cassie said...

You are my idol in the losing weight department. I too get obsessed with the scale until I know it won't go the way I want it to then I'm too afraid to look. Like right now for instance. I'm so proud of you. You're example really inspires me.

Framed said...

You can do it. Maybe your scale should stay at your mom's for two weeks just for safety.

Mellissa said...

I have always hated scales. It's kind of the idea that they reduce me to just a number, and I hate that.

It's good to see you've noticed other ways to track your progress, rather than just the scale. Your clothes fitting and the feeling after you ride your bike are great ways to assess your progress.

I really noticed your weight loss on Sunday. I agree with your great-grandpa - your face does look thinner. I think most people who know you and know about the surgery probably see you on a regular basis, so they can't see the dramatic change like someone who hasn't seen you in a long time. Good job!

tearese said...

thats awesome that you're feeling so much healthier! I've never owned a scale, but every time I visit people who own one I get on it multiple times before I leave. I can definitely see it becoming an obsession. You're doing great!

julie said...

Cassie, thank you, what a sweet thing to say! You're my idol in lots of ways (fashion/style, being a good friend, etc.). I think you've got some good plans set and I know you'll be obsessed with the scale again before you know it!

Framed, that's a really good idea. I finally had to move it out of my bedroom closet and into the laundry closet because it was too tempting where it was!

Missy, I hate being reduced to a number, too, though somehow it isn't so tragic now that the number is reducing!

Tearese, you've never owned a scale??? Well, I guess that isn't too shocking, now that I think of it, because you're so slender, you probably don't obsess with your weight as much as some of us do. That's a good thing! Hmmm. Maybe I'll make a goal to someday throw away my scale, once I get to a healthy weight and maintain it for awhile. That would be awesome!

Shauna said...

Awesome post! I miss you! Hope you are doing well! ♥ Hugs :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I love the part about your clothes fitting better. :) Yea!

Melissa said...

Ugh, scales, they are horrible. I find that if I am trying to lose weight, the scale becomes an obsession! I think that keeping track of your weight lose other ways is good for anyone, trying to lose weight. I haven't seen you since Jan.! Can you believe it?! Maybe I will stop by work sometime, or we could get together. Have a good day!